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My top 5 tips for alcohol-free happiness

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By your side every step of the way.

You can find freedom and I would love to help you get there. The This Naked Mind methodology has an enormous 90 percent efficacy! That's over ten times higher than traditional methods such as rehabilitation clinics and AA. It is all about targeting your emotions, instead of your behavior. 


If you are not yet ready for a private one to one coach, please check the free resources below. I add extra goodness to these on a regular basis, so check back frequently, or, even easier, subscribe to my monthly newsletter to be the first to hear about exciting new initiatives!


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I just know you will love this. 


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This Naked Mind App

You are NOT alone, and here is where you find that out for certain! Join a growing army of people from all over the world who love their new alcohol free lives! Remember to say hello when you get there!


30 Day Experiment

Are you yet to discover the amazing feeling of being alcohol free? Then the FREE 30 day alcohol experiment is the place to go. Sign up, and then start the experiment via the link on the left hand side!



Love a good podcast? Me too! Annie Grace's podcast maps out her own alcohol free journey, and she interviews countless fellow AFers too. Just be sure to check out Episode 679, yeh? You might meet a familiar face...


free 30 day kickstarter

Love to plan your healthy changes? Me too!


Brand new to my channel - Download your FREE 30 Day Kickstarter Journal. Full of ideas and resources, this journal will make a perfect souvenir for an alcohol-free Future You to read and wonder at! Think of it as a time capsule for you in two years time. 


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